Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Who knew, Customer service was dead?

For years I have been going out and spending some of my (not so) hard earned money doing things and going places. I used to think that Disney was the evil empire (and they are if you work for them)but Disney has the market corner covered on what to do, they have a back up plan for their back up plan. I like that, hell I love it!

That being said, I 'm going to putting my thoughts and experiences down here for all the world to see. If its good I'll tell you why its good and where they are. If its bad, I'll tell you why and what I would have done different. Will I be right? who knows. This is just the ranting of a person who feels like a he has come out of the closet at a clan rally.

I will try my best to be "nice" I will do my best to get all the facts straight,
and I'll be upfront and tell you my spelling sucks. All I want is a good experience.
If your looking for something "politically correct" it won't be here.
I call them as I see them.

Think of it as a what not to do list and how things could have gone different.
this is the 1st posting so...

The way I see things is that if you "plan for the worst and when it doesn't happen it was a good day". But this may be just me.

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